some things never change

some things never change

Some times I worry that I wont  ever change. All my bad habits, all the things I don't like about myself but constantly try to change. If you cant change yourself to be who you want to be, can you really and truly be happy?

I only want to be seen by you


Emotions effect me in such a deep way, and I'm constantly asking myself to slow down. Calm down. Be okay. Everything is going to be fine. Being emotionally unstable is exhausting, and having mental health issues takes a huge toll on my life and everyone's life around me. My relationship struggles, my family doesn't understand me, and most of the time I hate myself. Why cant I accept myself? Why can't I love me, for me.

love yourself

my life with you

Is it possible for someone to just love you? All of you? Without needing you to change everything about yourself. I feel constant hate for myself because I don't know how I will ever be truly happy if I cant change myself for the man I love.

Copyright invisibletoyou